RSE on the right of economic management “RNIIOT MTSZN RK” has a testing laboratory for measurements and control.

Modern research methods, equipment and measuring instruments are used in the work.

Material and technical base of the institute

Measurement and control test laboratory conducts research and measurements for the following purposes:

  • Certification of production objects according to working conditions.
  • Conducting professional risk assessment
  • Production control in enterprises
  • Research works

Instrument base of the institute

Kit (universal) Combi SOUTH

Portable gas analyzer GANK-4 (А), (Р), (АР)

Dosimeter-radiometer MKS-AT 1117M (ionizing rays)

Radon radiometer with autonomous blower "Alfarad plus - AR"

Radical tool

Audiometer AA-02

Laser Dosimeter LD-07

Anemometer TKA-PKM-50

Radiometer IR-meter

Thermal imager Fluke TiS60+

Aspirator PU-4E

COMBI-04 set

Contact details

Our address: Kravtsov street 18, Astana city, Republic of Kazakhstan

+7 (7172) 57 05 95 (ext. 108, 105)
